That Thing we call a shower.

As the water flows like little streams down my body,
All the goosebumps appear.
They tower next to each other one by one.
The chills run down my back and arms,
All the strands of hair cling together and water runs down them,
The soap travels down my body and the fresh smell appears in the air.
The soap foarms bubbles,
And the swim one after another down to the drain,
When i slowly turn the handle off,
The water drips and drops from the head of the shower,
I let those last few run down my back,
I open the curatin and the cold air forms more goosebumps up and down my body.
As i step out all the chills make me feel clean and refreshed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had the urge to write this(;
I hope you like it