Cut Open

The girl with the bright red lips,
Never once loved never once kissed.
The one always picked last,
finding ways to forget her past.
Staring at his hidden face,
Looking downwards just in case.
She doesn't tell him what's on her mind,
In fear of being left behind.
No one seems to understand,
Why there's cuts across her hand.
She pretends not to care,
Though she's broken cold and bare.
He doesn't even look her way,
Ruining her whole day.
Mom screams when she gets home,
Wishing she'd be left alone.
A bloody scent from her room,
Knowing she'll be gone soon.
She wants someone to know,
How her life really goes.
She can't let people see,
Underneath who she wants to be.
She seems to be the only one,
To want to give up and run.
Why she has no idea,
Is she the only one who feels?
It seems she is and so she crys,
From saying too many goodbyes.
Flashbacks play until she breaks,
Dwelling on all of her mistakes.
Shadows block her sight,
They know she's lost the fight.
As she wishes she was more,
She quietly locks her door.