So Called Bestfriend

We shared our most private thoughts,
Cried with eachother over long talks.
You were the one that I could trust,
To not betray me like the rest.
Allowing ourselves to get lost in time,
I was your bestfriend and you were mine.
Friends forevers not always true,
Especially when that friend's you.
He was mine but we later moved on,
I was relieved he was finally gone.
You then decided it was your turn,
Not knowing the lesson you'd learn.
Keeping it a secret but I soon found out,
What you were really all about.
I stood up for you when people would say,
"That girls a little slutty for her age."
It turns out they were all right,
You were meant to be a whore of the night.
You gave to him what I never could,
Losing your virginity I hope it felt good.
Did you think of what it would do?
Of what it would put our friendship thru.
I'll never look at you the same,
After you caused me so much pain.
A slut if what you've lived up to,
No one will ever really love you.
When you end up in an empty bed,
Think about what I just said!