
Living in reactionary mode
struggling for expression
stuck under reality's load
detangling depression

Sentencing myself
to my own prison
my thoughts on the top shelf
never to be forgiven

To be treated well
is to be
put under a spell
I cannot see

Wrongness settles
molds to me
now I wrestle
this new we

Lame and lying
words not thoughts
the ropes are tying
beautiful knots

I bound us
broke our bond
now I fuss
while you are still fond

Leave this space
my shadow is mocking
your hands long to trace
but alone I am rocking

I hate that you care
for the so undeserving
you sit and you stare
while I am swerving

Pulling away
from hopeless desires
giving no say
as to what conspires

for you I do not feel
though I am grateful
I did not mean to steel
from an unquestioning fool