I wish.

I wish I had more,
More Power,
More Control,
I Want to change how you act,
How you think,
How you go about your day.

If people did what I said they would be happier,
If people did what I told them to do,
If people listened,
If people thought about their actions before letting them destroy the lives of others.

It makes me want to explode,
It makes me want to smash the face of the anti-hero,
It makes me want to tear apart buildings with my bare hands,
I just want to sit everyone down and tell them why what they are doing is wrong,
why what they do is hurtful,
why what they do needs to change.

Life should be peaceful,
should be happy,
Not a destructive pain,
Not a burden,
Life should be allowed to live.

Don’t we all deserve a Chance to live it,
live it happy,
live it free.


A small note:
I know this poem isn't exactly good, there's no rhythm, no rhyme, no flow at all, its just terrible to be honest, in my opinion anyway, but i'll explain why i wrote it, basically i saw this video on youtube of this kid with a disability, some sort of mental problem and he had several videos up and on every one there were comments calling him a retard or laughing at him or just flat out insulting this guy who has done nothing to them, he's just uploading a video in hope that someone might like it, if people don't like it, there's no need to just destroy his feelings and probably make him hate himself for uploading it. It just annoys the hell out of me when people put other people down, especially if 1. they don't deserve it, and very especially 2. if they are just laughing and insulting a person with a disability.

I know this poem isn't very good, sorry, but it helped me get out my annoyance at that, if you interpret this poem differently don't let why i did it differ you from that interpretation.