Your Five O Clock Shadow

In the dark room
With the lights asleep
I see you through
Cloudy eyes, and hazy ties.
You lay your head on your arm
And watch the dust motes
Play like children
In the projecters only sight.

On your fragile lips
I hear the gentle sigh
Of a long awaited slumber
Breaking the silent somber,
Travelling along the invisible lines
That bind our binds.

I close my eyes
And imagine being wrapped up with you
Like a budding rose.
And when I awake,
I want to still be dreaming
Our tangled limbs becoming one.
As two in the evening
Captures every
Mysterious creature
Of morning and the noise
Disappearing beneath the floorboards.

I open my eyes and our pupils spark
With wonder and curiosity.
My heart sputters beneath my ribcage
Like a trapped bird.
An air of stillness hangs in the air
As the world becomes quiet
And colour floods every corner of the universe.

I watch your mouth curve into a smile
Loosening every sharp planeon your face.
And in the dimness, I know you.
The dark is our meeting place where no one can find us.
Then the lights came on.
And I forgot.
I couldn't find the feeling.
We are strangers.
And we part our separate ways.

With one last look,
Withered and embedded on my skin,
It leaves a trail of
Lingering with each stepp you take away from me.
And the places we meet disappear.
The only trace left of it
Is in your five o clock shadow.
♠ ♠ ♠
This poem was made to show how our emotions chane once the lights go off and how reality takes ove when they come on. True? I think so haha