It's Not Possible

Being an ass doesn’t make people like you.
I just thought I should point that out.
I’m the exception,
Simply because I can’t not love you;
I fall for you,
Even with a simple “Hello”.
I’ll walk away,
But I’ll always come back to you.
You’re too captivating.
You talk to me-
I want you.
You ignore me-
I want you more.
But lately you’ve become an ass.
Perhaps it’s because you KNOW I want you-
Or because of the fact that there’s no possible way for me to abandon you...
You’re my ecstasy.
I know how bad you are for me,
But I can’t seem to expel myself from you…...
It’s getting easier,
I will admit.
The more you transform into an ass,
The easier it becomes to see just how wrong you are.
I just hope you know-
The more you become an ass,
The sooner I’ll quit you and leave forever.