Empty Core

She lies broken and crumpled on the floor
She screams "i can't do this anymore!"
She violently cuts at her arms
Maybe she'll feel better with self-harm
She thinks everyone hates her, that she is alone
She cries herself to sleep and won't answer the phone
The voices drive her crazy, she does what they say
She pushes everyone she loves far away
She can't control herself and the things that she does
She's thinking of death because of a broken love
She stands on the edge and looks down from the sky
Now is her day, she's ready to fly
Down through the air and thump on the ground
Her screaming and crying a horrific sound
Now her screams are silenced, she won't hurt anymore
No more beating of her broken heart in her empty core
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry this is so depressing. my friend was going through a really hard time and this poem is loosely based on her.