

People talking always telling
Never listening always yelling
Telling me what to do
Telling me what to say
What to see
Who to play
Exactly how to be

I'm tired of listening
Always following
Being who they want me to be
Who they want to see

I long to be me
The one locked inside
The one that is so scared to let anyone see
All that is true and real to me

But that one inside has changed
It's been in hiding too long
All that is told turns to pain
Pain, scratches on a fragile heart

Oh, but the heart aches so
The scratches over flow
Too much pain
So much hurt
Too many scratches
Too much hurt

New things start
New friends 
New choices
The scratches are starting to show through the carefully made façade 

I still act somewhat like they want to see
But now by no choice of mine I am starting to be free

Not free to be who I always dreamed
But free to show what everything feels like inside of me

Or maybe I am the opposite of free
So battered and bruised
So scratched and hurt
That the me inside just said it couldn't handle it all anymore

So as you watch me
Fall apart
Start to cry
Slowly die

Just remember all the talking
Talking always telling
Slowly killing, so unknowing

But then it's too late
The blood has dried
My pain is gone
But now I left all the scratches
There for all to see
What they have truly done to inner me
♠ ♠ ♠
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