

Hurt and betrayed
Lied to
Shoved away

I tried to fix it 
But I don't know what I did wrong

Friends keep falling away
I know I deserve it
Yet I try to make them stay

My heart crumbles
I hear the names
I learn the rumors

I stitch my heart back together
Put the smile back on

No one knows
No one sees the sloppy stitches
Barely holding my shaking heart together

The strings keep breaking
The cracks keep growing
I have to keep it from showing

My body shakes with my heart
I tremble as one of my few friends holds me close
Finally for a few short seconds
I feel safe

In those second I don't need to hide
My heart is safe
Yet only for a few seconds

Then we let go
Reality comes flying back
My heart strains at the stitches
Tears start to leak through

Hurt and betrayed
Lied to
Shoved away 

Lost and alone
I guess it must be this way
Does it really matter anymore though...
♠ ♠ ♠
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