My Home, My Peace.

You asked for my company on a Wednesday
And before I could breathe, I said yes right away
I didnt see you that day but I felt warm
I no longer felt alone and had someone to hold

You held my hand on a Thursday
And all I hoped for was for that hand to stay
You barely spoke, you barely looked, you barely swayed
But I still managed to fall in love with that beautiful face

You gave me a kiss on a Friday
I saw the fireworks, it was something I'd always replay
You were officially mine and mine alone
You and me, we were finally home

I didnt see you on Monday
I felt lost, I was scared
I thought for a minuet you avoided me, I wasnt prepared
I didnt talk to you on Sunday, it all made sense
That maybe it was all too good to be true, it was all too tense

But I saw that lovely face on Tuesday
I felt at home again
You grabbed my face and gave me the biggest kiss I've ever had
I've never been more glad

I remember the small things, I remember the good
And if I had it my way, you'd be happy with me in bed right now, if I only could
I would hold you in bed under the thunder and rain
And we'd forget our dysfunctional problems along with it's pain

This may not make a difference or stop all of our agony
Relationships are never perfect, they arnt always so pretty
But it doesnt change the way I love you
No one in the world, not even your family, could love you the way I do

I love you, I still do
And although there's a chance that we might be through,
I still believe you and me were meant to be one
Married to each other under the midnight sun