Reaching perfection

Reaching Perfection

Everyday, I look in the mirror
I see the fat
I see what I want to get rid of

Everyday I go to school 
I go to dance

I try and try again
I push myself past the point of exhaustion
I force myself to tears
Trying to be perfect
Trying to just be good enough

The pounds slip away
And yet it's not enough

Tears slide down my face
I look in the mirror
I look at the scale
It's still not good enough

I shake in fear
I know what's happening to me
I can't stop it
All my life I have done papers on this
Never once did I think it would happen to me

Now I can't stop it
I say:
"just a few more pounds"
"just till my stomach is flat"

Eventually I have to force myself to eat
And even that makes me want to puke

I reach out to close friends for help
And yet I still resist
It's still not good enough
Just a little more then it will be perfect
Feebly I clutch my friend close
Pain corses  through my body

My friends watch helplessly as my bones start to show
My skin is being pulled taught
And yet I'm still not perfect
Just a little more

There's no such thing as perfection
And yet I still want to be perfect
So I keep working
Keep trying 
Keep striving for perfection
And I sit and watch as the wish for perfection eats away at me body and my mind
Yet I keep reaching for perfection
♠ ♠ ♠
Please give me feedback. Thank you