Nicotine Kisses

Lets take midnight strolls,
The snow crunches beneath our feet.
Smokes catches in my throat,
Lets exchange nicotine kisses.
You're my leverage,
Because I have nothing else.
I'm broken and torn,
Covering it up with laughs and smiles.
Keep me sane,
I'll keep you warm.
Limbs tangled in the sheets,
Lets forget time.
The acrid smell of drugs fills my senses,
I welcome the fuzziness of the situation.
I'm light-headed,
I'm in love.
But I'm not in love with you,
Oh no.
I'm an addict,
I'm an abuser.
I love only myself,
And the toxins that go into me.
You're here for leverage,
So keep me afloat.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this because it's how I'm feeling as of recently. I've started smoking, not all the time, but hey, it's a few a week. And even though I know it's terrible for me, I do it anways because I love the feeling it gives me. And my boyfriend...well he smokes too, but he has no idea that the only reason I'm with him is because I like having leverage to the real world.