What Am I to Do?

The days drag on and the nights are so lonely.
What am I to do with only my horrid thoughts to keep me company?
The bottle sitting beside me becomes so tempting.
What am I to do but give in to the sweet temptation?

The memory of the dissapointment in your eyes that has become all too familiar.
What am I to do to make you happy?
The screaming in my head becoming so loud.
What am I to do but silence it the only way I know how?

The battles I've been through tiring me out.
What am I to do but finally give up?
The tormentors I've ran from finally catching up.
What am I to do but find an easy escape?

The decision I've come to finally sinking in.
What am I to do but follow it through?
The darkness around me harboring me through.
What am I to do but let it sink in me?