Into Unknown

I’m stuck in this world
In this spiral-like cage where there is not a back door
I ‘m like a bird who's wings have been cut
I’m like a fish out of water, struggling on the shore
I am the person that still awaits
Awaits the flood to come and wash the dirt away
At least for today

I'm stuck inside this body
I'm trapped to be someone, anyone
There is not a response, there are just questions
And we wait, I am waiting for The One

I'm stuck in this life, on this earth, in this city
People are wondering around, ignoring me
They are overwhelmed by ignorance, vengeance,wanting.
They are real, I am real and I wonder why

I’m stuck in this technological world
A place where you have to expect the unexpected
Where danger watches you taking every corner
And you, the one who's watched, you feel it, you're scared
Even so, danger does not come out of shadows
It waits until the clock struck its final hour

I’m stuck with family, with friends that i do not know
It hurts when my heart gets broken, it hurts as bad as a broken rib
What's worse is that the pain can not be spoken, it can not be erased
It hurts, everything turns out to hurt you, me, in the end
But we do not give up, we continue the process,
We know that it might happen again yet we do not stop
And i wonder why

I'm stuck in the unknown and it scares me
It scares that i do not have an answer for everything
It scares that the end might come and I won't be ready
It scares me that i won't have enough time
Wonder why