
I pride myself as different,
As no one else is like me.
I love to be the outcast,
As that's what makes me free.

You call me names like emo-dick,
But that's all right; i think your worse.
You don't understand what it is to be me,
I wake each morning feeling like a curse.

While you listen to your rap,
I listen to my screams.
It's cause i'm just so different,
I live my life in dreams.

Who are you to say i'm wrong,
You! Who's opinion just doesn't count.
You're wrong, like always,
Your voice over mine does not amount.

I laugh at them as they all go,
Going about their needless ends
And that's why i'm different.
Just like all my friends.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not a hundred percent about the first line of the last verse. Any suggestions?

This isn't a personal view btw. More about some people who confuse the hell out of me, I.e those who seem to be so against conformity and then do exactly as their stereotype say they should.

And before anyone says it, yes i am a goth but i don't stick to the stereotype because tbh, I like smiling and all that make-up? Not got anything against guys who wear make-up but it's just about all i can muster to take care of my hair, let alone keeping make-up in check!