Self-loathing and World Hatred..

Where am I going?
What am I doing?
Stuck in this situation that I've been placed
Nowhere to go
Nothing to do
I feel no hope...
I see no light.

I have become cold..
Is this all that Life holds?
What do I have to offer?
I have become cold...
Obsessed with Death's Hold..

Somebody please...
Help me...
Save me...
From myself...
From my hatred...

I have become cold...
Is this all that Life holds?
What do I have to offer?
I have become cold...
Obsessed with Death's Hold...

I hate how this world works..
Money talks...
Actions don't
The kind rot...
The greedy rule...
Why does it work like this....?

The unique suffer...
The useless thrive...
I cannot fucking stand this place...
The cesspool this world has become...
Perhaps I will leave...
Take a permanent vacation...
I will greet you the darkest depths...
The depths of Hell....