Just have to wait..

I want to be there with you, but I cant I have to stand back and watch

I want to protect you, but I cant all the time.

I want to hold you make sure your safe everyday all day, but I cant I have to just hope that you are.

I want to see you everyday tell you that I love you face to face, but It doesn’t happen not face to face.

When I see you my whole world become’s alight, my eyes can’t believe what I’m seeing.

When I see you all I do is wanna hold you, tell you that everything is ok no one will ever break us apart.

When I see you all I want to do is hold you in my arms look you in the eyes and say “ I love you”.

As I Write this for you, what will you say after I show you, how will you feel?

As I sit here in this empty room thinking about you, I ask myself how would you feel if I really told
you how I felt.

As I cry myself to sleep every night, I ask myself how much longer before I get to see you again.

As you walk out the door, I tell myself don’t cry I will see you again soon, I just hope it is soon.