I'll be back soon :)

I miss you …. I say it everyday but today is different.

It’s different because I know I won’t see you in a while….

I’m gonna miss you, Trust me I will, But I will do whatever it takes to come back and see you.

It will feel like a lifetime between us when I’m gone. But I promise it will go fast…

I’m gonna cry I can feel it, My eyes are watering … I’m sobbing I can’t help it…

I love you so much, my heart can not contain my love for you.

It feels like I could create a whole river for you with thee tears, you say don’t cry, but I can’t help it

I’m gonna miss you so much.

The last time I will see you is right now, I wish you could come with me, even though I will be half way round the world it will feel like your going to be their right next to me all the way.

Please don’t cry hen I’m gone I don’t want you too cry. One of us is enough…

I love you and I’m gonna miss you, I’ll be back soon I promise. Remember I don’t lie