No Regrets, Just Happiness

I look into the mirror
And I see the person staring right back at me
She looks lost, And lost her way back home
She looks so destroyed and Deep,
But I can help her get back on her feet

She smiles back at me with a tear
Although I do not sense any fear
She tries to calm herself down
But she left her heart on the cloud
And layed her feet on the ground

She dances like the flowing water
Oh, How beautiful it is to see her happy
Under the stars, She wishes for a Rose
That she can sleep with at night
The only thing that she can call " Mine"

Forever I seek her again through the mirror
But as I search more, she has dissapeared
I thought I was dreaming, But It was Real
She touched my hand, Oh, wonderful the feel
But then she whispered " I want to make you a Deal"

She Offered me her whole Universe
But she said i had to Cherish it with Love
As I nod, she looked at the stars above
I can't look back from this If I accept
I said Yes, without no further to reject

And then there it was.. Her Universe
But where? I found nothing
Until I realized.. I was her whole Universe
She didn't want me to be ashamed of all my something's
She really wanted me to realize what I wanted first

I wake up every morning now looking at the Mirror
Seeing that I was the girl all along
It was my own Imagination,
But I still stand tall and say
" No Regrets, Just Happiness"