
Thank-You for believing me
Even when everything was lost
Thank- You for remembering me
Even when everyone else forgot
Thank-you for being my Voice when I couldn't speak

Thank-You for being my wings
when I couldn't fly
Thank-You for being my shoulder
When I needed to Cry
Now, I feel like a Million Dime

I always thought I would be hurting myself more
But then you Came Along,
Now I don't feel so sore
I wasn't mean't to fall down
But I got back up on my feet to the ground

Our life is Good,
But Bad as well
It could be heaven
It Could be Hell
But it couldn't be any better, Can't you Tell?

Before you Came, Everything was Strange
I guess everything was bound to Change
I feel like I'm sleeping on the Moon
Seeing this Happiness I've been though
I owe it all to you.. Thank You.