
I look at you and see you looking at me.
I see how your face is and i know something is wrong.
I ask you whats wrong,you can't tell me.
I see the cuts on your wrists.
I ask you why, you tell me that you hate your life and all you want to do is die.
I tell you that it's OK, and that i do the same thing.
I tell you that you can tell me anything.
I see that you hurt, you tell me you don't.
I ask you if you if you want help, you try to tell me that your fine.
I tell you that it has to stop before you hurt yourself more, you tell me that you can't stop.
I ask you why you have to hurt yourself, you tell me that you don't know what else to do.
I tell you that we can get help, you tell me that there is no help.
I ask you what would i do if you killed yourself, you tell me that you wouldn't do that.
I tell you that if you don't stop you'll end up killing yourself, you tell me you'll try to stop.
I ask you if you want me to help you , you say yes.
I see that face again and i know what you've done.
I ask you why, you tell me that you can't take it anymore.
I tell you that i don't want to see you dead, you tell me that you'll be careful.
I ask you if you can make that a promise, you tell me that you can promise that.
I tell you that i can trust you, you tell me that you won't mess up again.
I see that you are truly sorry.
I tell you its going to be OK.
I ask you if you can make a pact with me, you say yea.
I tell you that no matter what we'll stick together and won't leave each other, you tell me that you won't leave as long as i don't leave.
I tell you the same thing, you just smile.
I tell you that there's a party and we should go to it, you say it sounds like fun.
I tell you that i will pick you up at 7:30, you say alright see you then.
I see you waiting outside of your house, you say hi and ask where the party is.
I tell you that its at a friends house, you ask if there is going to be alcohol.
I tell you yes and tell you that there's going to be weed there too, you say that the party is going to be awesome.
I ask you if you have cut yourself lately, you say no.
I tell you that we're at the party,you say lets get going.
I say lets be careful, you say OK.
I say lets get high and drunk, you say hell yea.
I say i am drunk and i have cotton mouth, you say you are to.
I ask you if you want to go up to the bedroom, you say yes.
I ask you if you have a condom, you say no.
I tell you oh well, you say yea.

I ask you if you are ready to go home, you say yes.
I tell you that i had fun.
I ask you if you had fun, you say yea a lot of fun.

I ask people if they have seen you, they all say no.
I get called down to the office.
I ask what i did,they tell me that you committed suicide.

I tell the doctor that i have been sick to my stomach every day, he tells me he knows why.
I ask him why, he says it is because i am one month pregnant.
I don't know what to do.
I find a knife.
I begin to cut.
I can't stop.
I just want to die.
I cut so deep.
I just can't stop.
I watch the blood pooling out.
I make one last cut.
I feel so weak.
I feel so sick.
I fall.
I can't get back up.
I just lay there dying in my own blood.
I think as i lay there dying about not being able to tell you that we had a child on the way.
I whisper as i take my last breath.
I will be in your arms soon.