Tell Me How You Feel

Just give me a good word
until I work up the chutzpah to say something first.
Show me a little sign
for me so I know you also have interest.
Look at me for a while
so I can read the feelings in your eyes that I can see.
Just say what sup
so I know you haven’t forgotten about me.

I close my eyes
and I wish you knew I dream about you.
My mind decides
if I wait too long I will lose you.
So I sit here and think
of all the ways I can explain my feelings about you.
Don’t you understand
that I’m in love with the things you do?

Why can’t I
find a way to write this out loud?
Tell me why
I’m sitting here wishing you were around.
Maybe one day
when I’m brave I’ll tell you how I feel.
But as of now
I’ll type on this page that what I feel is real.