
Discarded, like sheer leaves
Whose transparency distorted
The pristine quality of your life
Just enough to matter.

Like a thief
Escaping with the best of you--
Or me,
You disappear.

Look at me. Look in me.
Befriend me again.
Turn back time and I'll ascend,
Rise and meet you where endings begin.

The promises we made
Dry out like the texture of our hands
After hours of wringing and fade
Away like tans from wedding bands.

I've lost you
As you've lost me
But we've maps
To place a mark on.
White pages lined thin
Are who we are today.
Broken in by years of revisions,
A word change,
Sentences marked through,
Whited out with silent stares--
Watching changes in who we are
'Til blindness became us--
And absence, rid us company.

Like sheer leaves,
Whose transparency distorted
The pristine quality
Of your life,
I am discarded.