Close My Mouth (I Have Lips Loose Enough To Speak for Themselves)

Pieces scattered across the room,
You and me, always, right?
Broken dolls and bleary eyes,
Watching your every step.

A piece of paper lost to the wind,
Help me find the wind.
Help me find you.
I can catch anything in this net,
I want you.

A shattered plate, a broken pen.
Ink spilled across tiles,
telling you everything you need to know.
There's laughter,
You know who it is. You know her,
Quite well, I'm assuming.

Cross my heart, hope to die,
I don't need to cross my heart for that.
Words scribbled out on paper,
There's ones better than that.
You just don't have them.
You've never had the spark,
The slight insanity that takes us, artists.
You're no artist.

I've come to realize that we're all dead,
Just in different ways.
And you're just like everybody else.
A river of tears, bloodied wrists,
I'll say I don't care.
It's all just a lie
We're all gonna die
Give me another chance?