Of Songs and Roads

The kind of song you want to make love to
Even under a shit sky, if there ever was one
If there ever is one.

Slick roads crack when it rains
But I’m singing, always singing
I’m so hoarse but I won’t I won’t
You’ll have to rip out my fucking throat
Come on world, I dare you

Gee, what a song
Takes me back to those fat hot nights
Takes me foreword to bleary-eyes tomorrow
Instead of sunshine it rains fire
Everything around me laid to waste

But here comes the chorus,
Oh, oh oh
Tralalalalalala oh
What a chorus

Where are the brakes? Oh,
Where they’ve always been.

And I’m banging on the steering wheel
Lights may be red but im singing
I feel good, for the first time
In forever. Lights may be red
But I'll stop when I feel like it, godammnit

This song is loud, loud, it swallows me whole.
Brighten my day, october rain.
But don’t make me look back.
Roll down my windows, now I’m soaked

Rain, I love you. So kill me now, quietly.
Make it so I never have to leave
This road or this song.
In this weather, anything can happen.

Another chorus? Oh, no it’s repeating
Tralalalalala oh
Oh, oh oh
Wow that’s catchy

What the hell is that woman doing?
I’m going
I’m going
I’m going

I guess I’ll find out when I run out of gas
But I can fill a tank
And the radio never sleeps
It's just the rain, pray for the rain
to keep pouring

and pouring
and pouring
Until there's no more road to drive.