Trapped in Glass

Trapped in glass
It's everywhere
All I see
Nothing else exists
Just me and the glass

It separates me from the world
From humanity
I am to look, but never to touch
They are too good for me, or maybe it's the other way around
I think that sometimes
But I do know the truth
I'm wrong, always wrong
Lost in the dark
That's why there's glass
Why I've been locked in here

Everything's fuzzy
I can't see, feel, or touch
I'm just there
Just existing, if barely
I don't like it here
It's cold and hard
Nothing is good here or kind
It hurts
It all hurts
And I just want it to end

But everything just keeps going
Keeps whirring
So many colors, too many
Just outside the glass and the glass is pain
It keeps me trapped
Where I belong
I don't deserve to escape
I won't even contemplate

Silver, silver, and sharp, sharp
So cool and pretty
I like to touch it; hold it
I stare at it often and think
It feels so right, but oh so wrong
I think something's not right here

I cry for no reason now, behind the glass
The pain is gone, but I am not free
There's nothing here anymore; not even me
I feel nothing, but yet, I cry?

Pretty, pretty, small, and white
I caress you all in my hands
You're oh so nice
One swallow and I'll be free
Something's not right here...
Are these tears?

My heart beats fast; so fast
Thumb, thumb
I've never felt so alive
So why do I feel so dead inside?

Clean, clean, cleaning away
There isn't a better way to spend the day
One sip and I leave here to there
The glass will shatter inward and all will be well
Is there something wrong?

Whir, whir
Look at the colors go by
But I can't even tell the difference
It's all the same to me behind this glass

Pin prick
Just a little
Why I can't I feel?
I want to, but I don't
I want control, but it's far from me
On the otherside
Should I claim it as mine?

Hold me
Love me
Don't leave me
How dare you!
Come back
I need you
There's something wrong with me isn't there?

14, just a number
But for some it is forever
As the glass breaks, it always breaks
To darkness or to the light
I'll let you decide your flight