we all know one

We all know one...

She had a laugh that could cut through your skull
Like a hot knife through butter
Red nails,
Long talons that seemed to claw at your mind
Her harshness like a thousand paper cuts
Her presence an affront to peace and sanity
The only thing on your mind
Yet you are trapped by years of manners and nicety
As her words grind on relentlessly
In helpless fascination you watch
As spittle flies in a delicate arc
Her mouth is working overtime
Her jowls swing with the motion of her words
Hot pink lipstick smudged on yellowed teeth
There is a sudden awareness that the tirade has halted
Your gaze rises to eyes
Blackened with untold layers of cheep mascara
She expects an answer…
Up until now
You haven’t been able to get a word in edgeways
“Oh Yeah…Anyway got to go now...”
You reply weakly
Hoping that will end it
And turn quickly before she can continue
It takes nearly half block till your free of the noxious cloud
Of her perfume

You walk away feeling bruised