I'm Your Friend

Why don’t you trust me?
Why don’t you think I’d care?
Why do you think I’d look down on you?
Why do you think I’d stare?

I told you I love you,
You’re my friend
And if you won’t trust me
My trust may end

Why won’t you tell me anything?
I’ve told you all of mine!
The dirty secrets, the lies, you’ll find
Keeping your secrets, you say you’re being ‘kind’

I want to help you!
I’m your FRIEND!
Why can’t we go back?
Try again before the end

You don’t get it
Being kept in the dark
Always worrying
About that little spark

The spark that will ignite
And burn your world down
Then leave you with nothing
The efforts wasted now

And then you’ll be alone,
You pushed everyone away
I’ll still be there for you
Sweetheart I’m here to stay