Every ounce of everything ... GONE.

Wishing on a shooting star,
Every story has a scar.
Just a simple little girl,
How cruel of you to smash her world.

Are you never satisfied?
With every year you've made her cry!
She loves you with all she's got.
Dearest boy, I hope you rot.

Misery comes knocking at the door,
As she lays sprawled out on the floor.
With every ounce of everything gone,
She couldn't tell right from wrong.

More precious than any jewel,
Tell me, how could you be so cruel?
Loving you is her only mistake.
She's given her all, and still you take!

Despite it all, she still cares.
Hovering behind a wall of despair.
Suffocating, drowning, dying, sinking.
Reflecting back and barely thinking.

Injected with a deadly dose,
She's slowly becoming comatose.
Her mind resembles a fresh-dug grave,
Empty, because of all she gave.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah. We've all dated at least one person who wanted to play us. I came out of it okay, but my bffl wasn't so lucky. I wrote this poem and gave it to the boy who dared to mess with her. He laughed at me. So I punched him in the face ^.^