
A quick limerick,
A subtle remark,
A vague look into the generalisation of life,
Basic Poetry and repetition of precompleted tasks,
This is what it comes down to,
No original thought,
No future expansion,
Just Basic Generalisation,
Just Repetition,
Just the same chorus,
Rhyme Scheme,
All the Same,
Without free thought there is no expansion,
We are doomed to wander the earth,
We look for an answer but never change the question,
We change the words but never change the meaning,
A new view,
A fresh pair of eyes,
To be unique is to be different,
To be different is to be special,
To be special is to be important,
To be important is to have a meaning,
To have a meaning is to make a difference,
Embrace your unique mind,
Make the difference,
Save us from this dull existence of endless repetition,
Save us from this generalised poem.

I'm aware of the lack of rhyme, rhythm, flow or anything in this poem, but that's the point, so just read it and think about it, forget the crappiness of the writing.