You Said You Loved Me

What did I do to deserve this?
I'm crawling in the dirt,
And you're still swinging your fist.
Don't you understand how much this hurts?

I'm at an all time low,
And you're still going to torture me.
I just want to curl up
And forget about everything.

But hiding won't do any good.
You always find me.
You said you would never do this.
I thought you said you loved me.

If you loved me,
There wouldn't be bruises on me.
Mom doesn't know what's going on.
I'm too scared to say anything.

When I tried to tell her,
She didn't pay attention.
She said she was too busy.
She wouldn't even stop to listen.

I'm all alone.
I can't tell anybody.
I wish I could disappear.
You lied when you said you loved me.