
I see you, in my mirror
You mimic my reactions
The beauty mark beside your eye
It must be drawn on
With medical precision
You see, it's identical to mine
My smooth skin and anatomic fractions
You have perfected each one
You are much more beautiful, more elegant than me
You have kidnapped my body
I do not recognize you.
I want to be you, though
I want to feel the confidence you feel
The self assurance
The courage that surges through your mind

I allow myself a moment to reach out and taste different waters
Trembling unsure finger stretch out
I suddenly am sucked in, whirlpool sensations
I dive head first into this empty body
I am cat stretching my new skin
I have found you, myself, me, I am
I believe I have found you
I had not been aware I had been lost
♠ ♠ ♠
I was writing an FB status and all of a sudden this came pouring out.
I hope you enjoy it.