My Sweet Homosidal Suicide

Broken inside
with no hope of repair.
Wishing to die
but it won't come true.
Take my breath away
and watch me suffocate.
Slit my wrists
and feel my blood pour out.
Wrap a rope around my neck
and see me dangle from the beams.
Hold a pillow to my face
and watch as I writh and struggle.
Bind my feet and hands
then drop me in water and watch me drown.
Stab my heart
and look into my blank blue eyes.
Slice my stomach
and watch me cough up blood.
Give me a pill and water
and laugh as I toast to my death.
Shove me away
and hear my body thud from the force of a car hitting me.
Smash my head
and watch my brains spill out.
Grab my throat
and see my eyes fill with fear.
Snap my neck
and watch me collapse.
Drug me
and see me pass out.
Poison me
and hear my breathing cease.
Put a gun to my head
and pull the damn trigger.
Light me on fire
and watch as I burn.
Lock me in a car
and smile as it get smashed in a collision.
Give me a push
and watch me fall out the window.
Hold me close
to feel me die in your arms.
Let go
so I may fall to the ground.
End my life
and know I am no more.
For if you don't
I will.