the end of me

the end of me is near

i have nothing left to fear

instead of seeing the children cry

i will certainly die

time to begin

this deed is a sin

i take a look around

finding my blade on the ground

as i pick it up i remember everything i promised you

the dance the last dance for you and i

a waltz

The end is near

i grab the blade and the rest of the gear

i make a hangmans noose

loading a gun with 1 bullet

im sitting on the roof of a skyscraper thinking how im going to do this

the blade? hangmans noose? or the gun?

the blade will surely be the slowest

hangmans noose will be quick and painless unless it unravels

the gun, the gun will be the fastest way to go

but why choose that when i can put on a show for the world to see?

i choose all 3

tying the other end of the rope down to the edge of the roof i put the noose around my neck

with the knife i cut the river open

standing on the edge i pull out the gun

with my last dying breath i say "forgive me"

i pull the trigger

i plummet to the earth

the noose breaks open

and i fall into the dark abyss
