Love Hurts

"She broke up with him",
is what I hear and immediatly I am happy,
you're single now and I am free,
maybe we could have a chance.

I watch you enter the classroom,
I instantly feel something is wrong,
you sit and talk to me like always,
but something isn't right.

I don't understand what is happening,
and then your wrist I see,
three straight cut marks are there,
and immediatly I feel pain.

You notice I am sad and you ask what's wrong,
I simply shake my head and hide my face,
but you know better,
you're concerned.

I watch you grab some scissors,
you place them on your finger,
and gently you cut,
blood rushes out and you go to the nurse for a bandaid.

Now that you're gone I can't hold it in,
I put my head down and burst into tears,
you come in a few minutes later and see me,
you ask what's wrong and I just wipe the tears off my face and say nothing.

You say okay and turn around,
a clueless boy you are,
for you are the one that hurts me,
because I love you and I can't stand seeing you hurt yourself.

Later that day I put the pieces together,
it is all crystal clear,
you were in love with that girl,
she broke your heart and you cut yourself.

You never thought about the ones that love you,
how much you hurt them,
and I am heartbroken,
crying for you everyday.