Battle field

Charge!” A line of horses disappeared.
Fear, immortality and then the sheer need for escape.
The heartbeat, I could feel it, throbbing.
I glanced at my friend, bold, brave, untouchable.
I cursed at my cowardice as my throat burned.
Do it for mum, Do it for mum, Do it for mum.

Charge!” My line of horses disappeared.
So did I.
The battlefield slowly came into view.
The soulles lying on the ground, the clashing, the wailing, the pain,
I waded through people, sword already bloody.
Do it for mum, Do it for mum, Do it for mum.

I watched helplessly as my friend went down.
He was there then gone in a last truimphant cry.
Anger b0ttled up and blotted out my thoughts.
That innocent, great hero died.
For reasons no man will ever be able to explain.
Do it for mum, Do it for mum, Do it for mum.

The unwelcome pain washed over me.
An arrow to my heart.
Confiriming my destiny.
Exposing that the captain was a liar.
He promised every one of us would return alive.
Do it for mum, Do it for mum, Do it for mum.

Who was my killer that sealed my fate?
Was he brave, bold, herioc?
Was he a rich calm Lord or a man
Man just like me?
Do it for mum, Do it for mum, Do it for mum.

I will never have the joy of a wife,
Or the joy of hearing my children squeal.
A tear rolled down my cheek.
Slowly, silently death came and went...
Against my plead it took my soul.
It was no more than a whisper, but I said,

“I tried for you mum, and no one else.”