Car Crash

There goes another one that she loved,
Walks away from her,
She's six feet under,
She hides from things she should be proud of,
So many open doors,
For her to close.

And now she's gone and got another deadline,
How can she possibly,
Live any faster?
Maybe if she hides away it will be fine,
Oh what a tragedy,
It's such a travesty.

Oh and, you picked the wrong road to drive down tonight,
And keep away from the bright light, bright lights.
You've ended up in such a dark place, fallen flat,
How many bottles really was that, was that?

They say it doesn't matter what you look like,
What really matters is,
What's on the inside.
But would you really even bother to look twice?
Are you kidding me?
You must be kidding me.

Oh and, you picked the wrong road to drive down tonight,
And keep away from the bright light, bright lights.
You've ended up in such a dark place, fallen flat,
How many bottles really was that, was that?

She's got a new friend now,
She doesn't need you now,
But did she really need you anyway?
She never gave a damn for what you'd say.

So turn it up a notch,
Somebody pass the scotch,
And everybody watch,
She found a secret stash,
Covered in cigarette ash,
Oh God, She's gonna crash...

Oh and, you picked the wrong road to drive down tonight,
And tell me can you see the bright light, bright lights?
You've ended up in a car wreck, fallen flat,
How many bottles really was that, was that?
♠ ♠ ♠
I only rated it as R because someone dies, and I don't wanna get shot down by someone who's too politically correct.