The last time

Don't break my heart
It's been shattered many times before

How could I think
That someone as special as you
Would ever love someone like me?

But this is the last time,
The last time I leave my heart wide open.

For when you are near
I'm cast upon this dark place
Where it's hard to breathe
And the wind becomes intoxicating.

But this is the last time,
The last time I keep my eyes closed shut.

I can finally see through the glamour.

I break the image in the mirror.
Fr who knows what lies within.

But this is the last time,
The last time you will have control over me.

I make my decisions.
Not you, not the world, not anyone.

I am the one that chooses the right path
Which yoh are nowhere near.

But this is the last time,
All thanks to you.