Head of the Decorating Commitee

Stepping onto the ladder to pin my final streamer
i think about life. how peoples 'social status' wont change.
Jocks will be Jocks. Sl*ts will be Sl*ts. Nobodys will stay the same.
I cant help but think of my life, my dreams, my world.

Stepping down the ladder i see my work complete, all that dedication wasted for a few hours,
People will be the same, Surrounding the same what does material hung on walls mean.
In a hour everyone will enter the same old gym and dance their socks off drunkardly.
then they will bask in the presence of homecoming king and queen.
nothing will change.

noone will know of the people who made this happen,
there will be no fancy speechs, just a simple: In,Dance,Out onto what home or after party they have next.Dim the lights people are coming DJ starts the crappy music. Half an Hour passes they annouce the King and Queen.*Drum Roll* Its ofcourse Barbie and Ken, Head Jock, Head Cheerleader. Hooray we'll all yell knowing none of us had a real chance.

the nights coming to a close everyone leaves even the teachers, they have all better offers and dont waste a second hanging around and me, because of my 'dedication', i will be cleaning up after all i am the Head of the Decorating Commitee, The Nobody, The Loser.
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I felt bored. its not that good its average considering its 2AM.
I usually can write better, got in books and everything but talent not spent is talent wasted.