
my body is starting to quiver with anticipation
these foreboding gray clouds only mean a few things
that the sky is waiting to break and soak the earth
and my body, much like the earth, is restless

these beads of sweat foreshadow whats coming
the cracks and rumbles just cause discomfort
and as the sky splits in half, eyes in awe just stare
they watch the coming doom pour from above

this flood is more like a dilemma for us
to either drown swiftly or develop gills
but this isn't rain saturating the globe
it's the endless stream of our hidden emotions

we've learned to hide them away
or tear holes in ourselves to bleed them dry
along with our souls and our humanity
collectively they'll drown this earth

green will turn brown and blue to black
and while the sun sets the clouds increase in volume
sadness runs clean where light can't shine
like the Ohio river, infested with disease

the plague being our malignant youth
bedridden and heavy with what's on our shoulders
a weight of expectation and monotonous repetition
to become mirrors of their mastery and prejudice

and to break glass is seven years bad luck
is this what high-school is for the blind?
to reject reflections shape and tread on pieces
and from the wounds bleed honesty

and those who destroy their reflections are lost
they have naught to judge themselves on
except for what their peer's eyes show them
and the eye is the most cunning liar