Emilie and the Tea

There was once a tree in the forest of Crestwood that was home to many fairies…

The tree had all sorts of fairies, some big, some small,
But it was also home to one of the most special fairies of all

Emilie was young, and shy and sweet,
And she always wore two different socks on her feet.

She was very curious, and sometimes got into trouble
But she would always explore new things even if it meant her trouble would double.

One day she had an important job to do
The Mayor of the tree called her up and said, "we need you!"

Her job was simple, and quick, she could see
All she had to do was deliver some tea.

A big old crate was filled to the brim
Of pure green tea inside little tins.

The simple task was to carry the tea,
Fly it through the forest, to another tree.

The crate was heavy, but Emilie put up a fight
And she lifted the crate with all of her might

Fluttering her wings, she carried the tea
Through the branches and leaves and out of the tree

But the weight of the crate started dragging her down
As Emilie began to drift to the ground

She struggled to fly, flapping her wings as hard as she could
As her fingers strained to hold onto the wood.

As she flew through the trees, a clearing appeared
A good spot to rest, Emilie thought, and downwards she veered.

Inside the clearing was a pond crystal clear
The source of the fairies’ water was here.

As Emilie flew down to rest her tired wings
The crate slipped from her hands…


She stared in shock, it couldn’t be!
The water was starting to turn into tea.

Emilie panicked, crying out, “what have I done?
“The water is ruined, but that crate weighed a ton!”

All she could do was confess her mistake
And hope the townspeople knew what action to take

When she returned to her home, nobody was there
As Emilie searched, she began to get scared

But she heard a sound, of laughter and cheer
The townspeople were having a tea party, she had nothing to fear!

The taps all ran tea, cold and hot!
It was delicious, and it would never stop!

Emilie was thanked, but still she felt strange
Was her mistake really a good change?

The day went on, as people drank their tea
But a problem came up with Emilie’s friend, Bea.

“I cannot cook dinner with tea!” Bea cried.
“The taste does not go with carrots, I’ve tried!”

Mister Martin called out, “Woe is me!
“I cannot be clean if I bathe in this tea!”

The tree was suddenly in quite a fluster
As the thought of tap tea was losing its lustre.

They surrounded Emilie, angry and spiteful
For their delicious tea was no longer delightful.

“I’m sorry!” said Emilie, “It was all my mistake.
“I dropped the crate on the rocks which caused it to break!”

The mayor came forward, saying, “don’t worry, Miss.
“We’ll all pitch in to help you fix this.

“For we’re your friends, Emilie, don’t you see?
And friends help each other here in this tree.”

So all of the fairies, one by one
Flew to the pond to see what could be done.

The mayor thought for a while, then it was clear as a bell
He said, “What we need to build is a brand new well!”

All the fairies joined hands above the ground
And from the Earth, there came a rumbling sound.

With their fairy magic, they dug out a well
But it took every one of them for such a powerful spell.

All day they worked hard with ratchets and pipes
To build a water tap system, so no one would gripe.

At the end of the day, all had been done
Now two faucets existed instead of just one.

One for water, one for tea
The fairies were as happy as they could be!

The mayor told Emilie, “That wasn’t so bad!
“There was never a reason for you to feel sad.

“You made a mistake, that is quite true
“But as your friends, we were there to help you!”

Emilie smiled, looking out at the day’s end.
“I’m just so happy to have such great friends.”
♠ ♠ ♠
No perfect, I know. Totally rough. No editing at all. My iambic pentameter sucks.

The words to a children's picture book I wrote.