Dpn't Leave Me

I sat on my bed,
Staring at the words,
Typed out on the screen,
My vision blurred,
Before I could even blink,
The tears were rolling down my face,
Me head began to throb,
This cant be happening,
I'm losing you already,
And I only just got you,
I dont want you to know,
How mch this hurts,
Because its not your fault,
And for the first time,
In a long time,
I prayed,
Because I want you safe,
I want you better,
Dont leave me,
I dont want you to go,
You cant go,
This may make me selfish,
But frankley,
I dont care,
I'm not losing,
The one thing,
I've always needed,
In my life,
If not for yourself,
Fight for me,
Please I love you.