My sister

I cry from paper walls so thin
The curse and threat fumes
This is the rambling horror of my kin
The noise leaving to plant their tombs

I cry on as the uniform arrive
I say goodbyes for I'll miss her
She cleans the bloody knives
Saying you'll always be my sister

No evidence is found for I dare not confess
The noise from the previous nights
So I wait for her to turn into a mess
Hoping I'd find my knight

Another dies and more I lie
I wait and watch the mister
For every night I accept with a sigh
I am the phyco's sister

She only loves me
She promises no harm
And yet I still plea
Still holding the sisterly charm

Save me please
My knight or my enemy
I need you to see
What these paper thin walls are doing to me

But till then I'll kiss her
Tell her I miss her
Because I am the murders sister.