
She only wanted to be kissed in the rain,
That never happened.
She only wanted someone to care,
That never happened.

She walked alone,
Until 2 A.M.
No one called,
No one cared.

Her imagination always ran away,
She never caught up to it.
People stared,
And people laughed.

She wore what she wanted,
No one understood.
She was the runaway,
Alone for the night.

Tomorrow's the same,
And to her it feels right.
She can't home,
Not here, not now.

She see all the people,
As they live their normal lives.
She cries,
As they laugh.

The days come to an end,
She can't pretend.
She whispers to herself.
"This is the end."
♠ ♠ ♠
not my best.
tell me if you like it.
Amanda Rae