
I'm scared to matter
I'm scared to realize that I actually make a difference in peoples lives'
I've never mattered,
No one's ever fully cared.
I disappeared for 3 months,
No one did anything about it.
That made me realize that I'm just an invisible shell in this world of color.
A simple grain of sand in the Kalahari Desert.
A lonesome wisp of a cloud in the never-ending sky.
But isn't it,
That without those small pieces,
That the bigger picture couldn't be formed?
The Kalahari Desert wouldn't be as grand as it is without each individual grain of sand.
The sky wouldn't be filled with thousands of clouds without small parts of clouds' formed together.
I know I matter,
But I don't feel it.
I feel useless,
As if no one in this entire world would-
Or should-
Care about me.
People tell me they would die without me,
And when I was gone,
For a simple few days,
People worried.
Have I really made that much difference?
How can I believe I'm worth anything,
When not-so-long ago I was left to fend for myself?