
I get up only to fall
down on my face
again and again.
When will I stop
Can I ever stay
on my own two
feet or will they
keep ending up
beneth my broken
down body?
Every feeling is
tainted with things
I felt for you.
All my thoughts
are twisted with
your memories.
I stumble again
and again.
No one will pick me
up of the dirty ground.
They just pass by
and glance down at me.
They have a look in
their eyes, it is a look
I know all to well.
It is the look of spite
the look of hate.
They act like they
know who I am
and what I have been
through in my life.
They look at me like
he looks at me.
He acts like I am the
biggest mistake he
has ever made.
I am a mistake.
I am a silly girl.
I am a dumbass.
I am selfish.
I am a nightmare.
I am a waste of air and time.
I am not a human.