A Single Tear

A single tear escapes from my eye,

As they lie,

The casket down deep in the Earth,

I fight my urge to cry.

Though, you’re in a better place,

These tears won’t seem to stop,

Steaming down my face.

A soulless body now lies in the ground,

Gentle and unmoving,

Once again,

Happiness shall never be found.

A cold unbeating heart,

Still holds my love,

As I hideaway in the dark,

Wishing that my broken heart would stop.

A broken girl on the floor,

Holding onto a picture of her dearly departed,

Crying out to kiss his soft lips once more.

A lonely graveyard,

Where the dead lie,

And nightmares come to hide.

A ghostly whisper from the dark,

Can he see me cry out my shattered heart?

A long time ago I’ll never forget,

For giving you my heart I shall never regret,

I believe our love can see us through in death.

A single rose lies on the grave,

Of the man I gave,

My heart and soul to,

Don’t fear, my love;

I’m coming for you.

A single tear,

Starts to fall,

As I take the knife to end it all.