
You cannot wipe away my tears

You cannot control my fears

You no longer belonge here

You need to disapear

I cannot stand to hide

I need her by myside

I want to just run away from it all

I don't wanna watch myself fall

Nightmares of my past

Nightmares that last

Nightmares that haunt

Nightmares that won't let go

Nightmares that repeat like a show

Nightmares that bring tears

Nightmares that cause deep fears

Why am I like this?

Why is it her I miss?

Why can't I just disapear?

Why am I even here?

Can't see

Can't let it be

Can't be me

Can't be set free

Never have I ever tried

Never wanted to have cried

Never going to let you get to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
For a Contest