He ain't ***ing worth it and I'll prove it.

She's chokin on her tears,
He illustrated her fears,
Told her he loved her,
Then he turned around and shoved her,
Through the heart,
With a knife,
Split apart,
Definitley not once, probably more than twice.

She wants to die,
I beg her not to try.
Please no,
Your my best friend,
Don't go,
This isnt the end.

Is he really worth it?
She's said it a thousand times.
I don't listen,
No one will ever be worth her life.
No one would ever be worth that knife.
Or those pills,
No one's worth the kill.

Please, I'm crying,
Sobbing, don't go.
If she quits, she lets him win,
He's not fucking worth her life!

She loves him,
He used her,
She knows this,
It hurts her.

And I asked her.
"I don't know"
That's not the responce that I would take though.
Please don't go.

I need her,
I mean it,
Maybe she doesn't see it.
If she'd go,
I don't know,
Maybe I'll go.
Fuck it.

Not now,
Not later,
Not ever.
I mean it.

I'll fucking sit here and scream it.

Coffin life?
Death, would that suffice?
Get herself out of this cold world?
This shit whole world that twists and twirls?
Well she knows it,
Once you're gone you're gone, no going back.
The world won't notice, won't fall off its tracks.

I would notice.
There's more too,
They would notice, quite a few.
But I guess there's nothing I can do.

It's her life,
It's her knife,
I cant fucking stop her,
I've got no more to offer.

All I want is to help her,
I can't even do that.
What kind of friend just excepts that like a fact?

I blame myself,
Not anyone else.
Not him,
Not her,
It's my choice,
And I'll choose.
Me, myself and I,
I'm the one who should die.